Whether you are stressed out or your pain came out of nowhere, it may seem like you are frequently combatting a headache. When this is the case, it is important to understand that your headache might be more than just a common ache. You might suffer from a headache or a migraine, but the underlying cause to your pain might be related to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or cervical spine. Here are some ways to reduce your risk and what treatment might be available for relief:
In order to help alleviate your ache it is important to reduce the number of risk factors present. Some fixes for common factors might include:
Supporting your bite
Improving sleeping habits
Avoiding certain smells
Drinking less or eliminating alcohol use
Increasing exercise and losing weight
Controlling teeth grinding
Avoiding yeast and preservatives in food
Improving posture
The type of headache you are suffering from will first need to be determined before treatment can begin. For instance, there are two treatment options available for migraines: preventive and abortive. Preventive medications seek to avoid the occurrence of a migraine while abortive medications relieve the pain after the onset.
Additionally, tension-type headaches, if caused by muscle tension in the neck or scalp, might experience relief with a massage, physical therapy or muscle relaxants. Over the counter pain medications can offer effective relief from pain as well, but too many can also cause rebound headaches.
If you are experiencing frequent headaches, please contact our doctors for more information on how his team of professionals can help you find relief from your headache pain.
Every patients journey starts with a unique and detail examination by Dr. Tregaskes to review the underlying cause of your symptoms, not just the symptoms.
Our doctors will then prescribe a treatment plan tailored to the cause of your symptoms and focused on non-invasive and minimal medication pain management.
After treatment is complete we will continue to be available for you to help manage any flare-up of previous symptoms that may occur.
Mon - Wed
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8:00 am - 12:00 pm
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